
Kirsty Robertson

Kirsty Robertson is Associate Professor of Museum and Curatorial Studies and Contemporary Art at Western University. Her research considers museums, activism, and contemporary art. She is a founding member of the Synthetic Collective, a group of artists, scientists and cultural workers trying to understand plastics pollution in the Great Lakes region.


Eugenia Kisin

Eugenia Kisin is an assistant professor at New York University’s Gallatin School of Individualized Study. An anthropologist of art, she teaches on art and agency in the Anthropocene with a focus on contemporary art in North America. Her current book project considers how Indigenous artists extend ancestral protocols for bringing about just relations between persons, things, and territories in the extractive economies of the Pacific Northwest.


Gabriel Levine

Gabriel Levine is a writer, musician and theatre artist, co-curator of Concrete Cabaret, and currently Program Coordinator and Assistant Professor of Drama Studies, Glendon College, York University. He recently co-edited Practice for the MIT/Whitechapel series Documents of Contemporary Art, and his book Reclaiming: Experiments with Art, Tradition, and Collective Practice will be published next year by MIT Press.